When we speak about introducing consumer oriented products and services, the focus is more on what the consumer needs and demands. The needs and demands drive the decisions of the marketing, sales, business and the other stakeholders to get on their feet. The needs...
Customer Experience V/S User Experience
Are you too one among those, who get confused between CX (Customer Experience) and UX (User Experience)? Seldom these two words are used interchangeably. But then the question is, are they really the same? Or mere Jargon? Customer and User - The Prime Difference When...
Life as Explained through OOPS (Object Oriented Programming System)
/* Life and OOPS */ The concepts, ideas and theories are generally picked up from real life scenarios and examples. If we try to understand life from the concept of OOPS, its very simple to understand. So lets begin. /* We as Classes */ Class - The primary component...
Programming (a.k.a. Development a.k.a. Coding) is not the only pillar of Information Technology
Information Technology Industry (which was once called Computer Industry), is one of the gigantic industry today. Just like the manufacturing industry, it is providing mass employment to the varied population across the globe. Seeking a job in Information Technology...